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New Reel, want input.

Jess Haas SOC

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A rough cut of my new reel is up at http://JessHaas.com This is a camera op reel so in addition to steadicam it includes some underwater and traditional operating. The website isn't up yet but there is a page with the reel. Check it out and let me know what you think. If there is anything I should lose or change let me know.


In addition to this I want to put a number of good long steadicam shots up on the site but I am still waiting to get copies of a lot of things so it won't go up all at once. I definitely need to get better at getting copies of footage immediatly after the shoot when possible as rounding stuff up has been a pain.



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I would lose the shot of the guy running on the bridge with his arms up--the horizon is just too far off kilter.


As soon as you have enough material, I'd recommend splitting these off into two reels. If someone is looking to bring you in for Steadicam, they aren't likely to want to have to figure out what is or isn't Steadicam in the reel. I have virtually never seen (or been asked for) a conventional operating reel, but your underwater stuff is enough of a specialty to command its own reel, I would think.

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That shot was intentionally off kilter but I see how it could look bad. I was thinking that I would also have a reel consisting of a number of steadicam oners once I actually get copies of a bit more footage. This would show off steadicam skill a bit more for people interested in just that.



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I like the fact that it's nice and short and moves quickly. I really think it's important to have a short fast real. DP's, Directors and Producers just arent going to sit around and watch five or more minutes of your real.


I agree with Charles about the water work.



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