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Preston Wait Time

Chris Flurry

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Any one know what the current wait time for a new Preston is? I am going to give them a call tomorrow but thought that some of you might have some insight. Also I don't see the DM-1X motors listed on their website, is the wait time for these more appreciable than say a DM-2? Any insight would be appreciated before I jump head first into the Preston Pool.


Chris Flurry

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Obviously call them on Monday, but I think the wait time is fairly minimal now. I've two friends that ordered theirs recently and I don't recall either of them mentioning wait time. As far as the DM-1X, I think its just a case of not updating the web site yet!


Let us know.

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Obviously call them on Monday, but I think the wait time is fairly minimal now. I've two friends that ordered theirs recently and I don't recall either of them mentioning wait time. As far as the DM-1X, I think its just a case of not updating the web site yet!


Let us know.



Enlighten me. What's the DM-1x? Obviously a new type of motor but what's the skinny?



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Its an updated DM-1. Well, not really since they still offer the DM-1. I think its $3K instead of $2500 (check on both those numbers). Its the same length as a DM1, but slimmer in profile and it is even more powerful. If I were buying new now I'd opt for one of these & two DM-2s, but I'm not sure its worth selling a DM-1 and replacing it. We had serial #001 on a movie I did last year (my focus puller had just bought an entire system) and it is a very nice motor but we never put it on the Steadicam (with my system). He did like the extra speed for large focus racks on the Angenieux 12:1 though. So, I guess - as always - it depends on your needs.

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Just an update for those interested.

Spoke with Preston today and at present there is no wait for anything I wanted to order. (MDR, HU-3, Motors, Ect.) So that is good news, now all I have to do is part with my hard earned dollars. As to the cost of the DM-1x I was quoted $3,250 per motor, as compared to the DM-1 or DM-2 with lists on the web site for $2,885.00.

Well Here we go.


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...As to the cost of the DM-1x I was quoted $3,250 per motor, as compared to the DM-1 or DM-2 with lists on the web site for $2,885.00.


Back in August it only took a few days for my system.


I went with a DM-1x for my large motor and it's considerably faster to self-calibrate than the DM-2. However, I have come across a few lenses in the last three months that it wouldn't turn or wouldn't turn to calibrate even though they didn't "feel" all that tight to me. Preston asked me to send the system back and they upped the torque a bit but otherwise the motors met spec. Typical fast, eager to please Preston service as always.


Erwin, Steve and James Baldanza helped me with a few minor suggestions on my kit that were very helpful and I made one special request as well.


1. I ordered all my primary MDR-2 cable connectors to be right angle; I didn't want the straight connectors sticking out. Some of my back up cables are straight for the MDR-2 just in case and sometimes that will be the case.


2. I like the color coded strain reliefs on their cables for organizing but in retrospect I would have my cables made without them since they are stiff and make clean/tight cable routing more challenging. Heat shrink would have been fine; again in retrospect.


3. Make sure you get some of your motor cables with a straight, not right angle connector at the motor end since you'll find times when a R/A won't fit in the mix.


4. You might ask for a few complimentary backup LED lens diffusers for the focus ring LEDs on the HU3; mine have fallen out a few times.


Derrick at Whitehouse Steadi Sales has all the Hill brackets and AKS you'll need. I talked to Skipp at Skipp's Engineering about his brackets or at least tried to but he always seemed overwhelmed / rushed with work at-hand and even trying to come by to look at his brackets was problematic so after three calls I just went with the tried and true Hill brackets. Erwin loves the Skipp's gear and I'm sure it's nice but if someone is too busy to take my call for a sale what are they going to be if I have a call for service?

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