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BFD outsmartet by the cold weather

Lars Erik

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I'm currently working on a tv-drama, and I usually rent a Preston when I do jobs that's I consider to be "bigger" than my usual gigs. I like the BFD, but use it mostly for shorts and music videos.


Anyway, we had a lens that was being not very co-operative, so I suggested we try my BFD and M-One, since the M-One is very strong. We dug it out and calibrated, so far so good. But when we got the T/x out, the darn thing wouldn't turn on. We tried 4 different batteries, same result. The unit had been in my car for about 5 hours, it was minus 7 C outside.


So we had to stop down to F-11 and shoot the scene on fixed focus.


This morning, after the T/x had gotten back into to normal room temperature, it worked again.


Anyone experienced this before? Has the BFD any issued operating in cold weather? (minus 7 isn't that cold for Norway either, it can easily be - 20)




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How old is your BFD and have you talked to Jim about it yet? If I remember correctly someone was having a problem with a BFD a while back in very cold conditions and he was able to trace it to a component that wasn't working right under a certain temperature and that he was able to fix the problem. My memory could be faulty but I would definitetly talk to him because either way I am sure he will do whatever it takes to figure out the problem.



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