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Omnishot Preston hu-2 adaptor


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hi all. Not to beat a topic to death but I just got the Omnishot battery adaptor for my older hand-set after reading about it in the other thread (thanks Erwin for the link).


My preston batteries have been holding up ok (bought the Preston with 3 batteries in '99) but they go from chicken-salad to chicken-sh*t without warning -- which is to be expected from 10 yr old batts. I've been holding off on purchasing new ones while waiting for something like this to come out. The new uncharged battery powered the preston for a full day and a half of steadicam with one out of the three green lights illuminated on the "fuel gage."


Seems to be really cool -- and I had it here in NY 3 days after ordering it on the website. Here's the website that Erwin posted from the other thread:



unfortunately I am still unable to post pictures on this site (must be the naked pictures I have of the moderators!). Anyways...I took some pics on the set, so if anyone is interested to see it compared to the oem battery, pm me with an e-mail address.



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