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"The 12 Longest Steadicam Shots"

Brian Freesh

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This is amusing in it's incorrectness


1. They won't include the opening of Snake Eyes because it has hidden cuts, yet they have at least 3 out of 12 (25% !!!) shots that have hidden cuts, one of which they openly admit they know about.


2. They won't include the oner at the end of Children of Men because it is not Steadicam, yet 3 out of 12 (25% !!!) of the shots they did use are not Steadicam shots!


3. 2 of the shots actually PRE-DATE the invention of Steadicam!!!


4. One of the shots fits all 3 of the above errors, an impressive feat for the writer of the piece.


5. Off the top of my uneducated head, limiting only to feature films (even though they technically don't set up that limitation), I can think of another shot that is longer than the first 7 on that list. I'm sure others here could think of a whole bunch more.


For a list of "Longest Steadicam Shots" they sure botched it!



12 longest steadicam shots

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Wow, he made some really embarrassing mistakes.



What are some of the longest steadicam shots? Had one in "The Wedding Planner" that ran 3 min. 50 sec. During prep we rehearsed it to see how long it would actually take because of the narrow steep stairs and crossovers invoved a 1000' mag was out of the question. On shoot day it was the only shot schelduled for the day and we had 2 operators on call in case something bad happened. 1st op did 12 takes and was "done", 2nd op did 2 or 3 and we called it a day.

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Well, you have to include "Russian Ark", which is one 99 minute shot and the opening of the "The Bonfire of the Vanities", which is 4:50 long.


Jim Bartell

99 minute shot! Oy vey, that makes my back hurt just thinking of it ;-)


I think Russian Ark has cuts, doesn't it?

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Well, you have to include "Russian Ark", which is one 99 minute shot and the opening of the "The Bonfire of the Vanities", which is 4:50 long.


Jim Bartell

99 minute shot! Oy vey, that makes my back hurt just thinking of it ;-)


I think Russian Ark has cuts, doesn't it?

Hi Tomas


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I'm pretty sure I remember reading that there had to be some hidden cuts for whatever reason.


There is a pretty decent behind the scenes video of the Russian Ark shooting. Maybe you can search youtube for it. It's called "In One Breath".

As far as I can recall, there are no cuts. But what you might have heard is that they startet the take three times all over again due to some problems. But the third one really is a oner from start to finsh. They couldn't have cut from there on as they ran out of time. This makes the last and final take even more exciting I think.

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I'm pretty sure I remember reading that there had to be some hidden cuts for whatever reason.


There is a pretty decent behind the scenes video of the Russian Ark shooting. Maybe you can search youtube for it. It's called "In One Breath".

As far as I can recall, there are no cuts. But what you might have heard is that they startet the take three times all over again due to some problems. But the third one really is a oner from start to finsh. They couldn't have cut from there on as they ran out of time. This makes the last and final take even more exciting I think.


yes, no cuts, 3rd take was used.....

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The Serenity shot is at the beginning, it's just not the opening shot, or even the opening scene, but I always see it referenced as such. Depending on how you break it down there's a good 4 scenes before it. It is one of the 3 I mentioned with a hidden cut, cause the upper floor of the ship and the lower floor were two separate sets.


Russian Ark is indeed included in the list.


The opening from the Player is often mistaken for Steadicam, but I've never seen anyone refer to movies released 2 and 3 decades prior to the Steadicam as having Steadicam shots.


The writer also gets the country wrong for the star of The Protector, and while mentioning that Larry felt the Goodfella's shot would be boring as it was described to him, the writer implies that Larry simply did what he was told and wow the shot was way more interesting than Larry thought. Ignoring the fact that Larry is responsible for the greatness of the shot.


Someone didn't do their research...


Wow, the comments are even more fun! A lot of people asserting things they KNOW FOR A FACT are true! The best part is that they're sometimes right and wrong in the same comment. "FilmNinja" sez:


"12 Random Shots is more accurate. There are a lot of longer ones and many of these aren't even steadicams. My vote for the best long steadicam shot goes to Children of Men."


And no one has even mentioned that there are hidden cuts in both Children of Men shots. Though with Rope and Touch of Evil and the Payer on the list, I suppose Children of Men is fair. I almost agree with Film Ninja's first sentence, but I think it should be called "12 Oners I like."


Oh, Osvaldo, if you're reading this, good on you to try to correct the guy. However the Serenity shot is as long as he said, the clip he chose to link to doesn't show the whole shot. But again, there's a hidden cut anyway, so by his own rules Serenity shouldn't be on the list. (nor, as he openly admits, should Strange Days). Everywhere I look this guy is just completely wrong!

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