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"The 12 Longest Steadicam Shots"

Brian Freesh

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I figure if I never become an authority on Steadicam, I can always be the fat weird dude livin in his mom's basement that will pwn you all in Whedon trivia. ;)

A quick OT comment. Im not much for trivia, but I gotta tell you that some of the best entertainment I have seen was Whedon's "Angel" series. A crack team of pros really created a masterpiece there. From the great blend of tragedy/comedy scripts (like An American Werewolf in London)... to a talented bunch of actors... to great blocking and camerawork...to amazing makeup and effects. As with any finely crafted story telling, I can watch and enjoy this series many times over. It had its "jump the shark" moments but all in all a well crafted show.

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Whedon can suck it. And i thonk it was bill brummond who did the nice work on serenity.


Mark Emery Moore, actually. Something like 45 takes total between the two parts of the shot.


Though I figured there was a good reason you thought it was Bill. Turns out he worked a few years on Buffy (the TV series) and the pilot episode of Firefly, which was also titled "Serenity"


Since we're talkin about it, Mr. Papert also did a bit of day playing on Buffy.


I gotta tell you that some of the best entertainment I have seen was Whedon's "Angel" series.


Eric Fletcher did a lot of the Steadicam on Angel, and despite figuring out that vampire shows are shot at night, he still does a lot of work on True Blood :). Joe Broderick I believe did the last season of Angel.


Ron's also worked on a Whedon show, but if someone says it's name out loud 80 random crew members around the world cry out for better wages and are suddenly silenced.

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