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Android-App for Dynamic Balance Calculator

Wolfgang Troescher

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I´m going to write a little Android-App for calculating the dyamic balance (like the Excel-sheet on Steadicam website).


It´s more a programming excercise, I´m not sure if anyone will use it. But you know: programmers are always looking for new challenges ;-)


As soon as the first version is finished, I will post it here. If you have any suggestions for this programm, I want you to post them here.



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I’ve always said the dynamic balance calculator and spreadsheet was most useful for understanding the consequences of moving your monitor and battery around, rather than as an on-set tool. I’ve never used it on set myself, but certainly use the understanding it gives me to make dynamic balance easy.

However, I have used the spreadsheet extensively to help design and check a host of Steadicam® sleds so that they can be put in dynamic balance.

We must be sure if a monitor weighs x pounds and can be placed in or out or up or down so many inches relative to the battery, that the battery or batteries that weigh y or 2 times y or 3 times y, can be placed so that the sled can be put into dynamic balance. Add to that many sleds are offered with several monitors of different weights, and with batteries of different sizes and chemistries – and therefore different weights. In these circumstances, the spreadsheet is invaluable in assuring that a rig can be put in dynamic balance with any combination of monitor, position, batteries, etc.

So anyone with an Android and with a sled with the monitor raised from the level of the battery – or a monitor that goes in or out – or wants to know what happens if they add a recorder or transmitter in a particular spot on their rig, etc., might find the app amusing or useful.

So I say, go for it, Wolfgang. It’s useful, and there’s no downside.



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