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Thank you

Victor Lazaro

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I discovered the joy of Steadicam less than a year ago and very quickly grew attached to the idea of becoming Steadicam operator. The first time I put the rig on, it somehow clicked, I enjoyed the feeling, and got a hang of the mechanics fairly quickly. Did not feel the "ooh no, that's not for me" that most people have when the camera is pulling them forward, gripping on the gimbal to hold it up.


I did a few jobs on a Friend's Zephyr, it was okay, but I felt that I needed more than just watching the EFP video and decided to go to a 2 days workshop in NYC (Great workshop Dan!)...

Not long after that, got my first steadicam intensive "big gig" for a RCA/Sony band's music video. Only steadicam shots for the whole day.


All along, I was regularly checking the Steadicam forum, reading the new and old threads, asking good and bad questions, answering to what I could, discussing opinions and ideas.

During this time I discovered an amazing community of talented, yet, accessible people where the world's best don't hesitate patiently explaining things to the newcomers or writing full length articles about their experiences on specific topics.

I feel like I learned and discovered so much from reading those threads and posts that I felt the need to just say -- thank you


Victor Lazaro

Edited by Victor Lazaro
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