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 Stig Indrebo

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So you´ve been dying to watch my first steadicam showreel, you say? Don´t worry, the wait is over. Here it is.


Been operating for about 2 years now. The reel contains footage from shorts, commercials, music videos and web series from early 2012 to late 2013. Mostly productions in Norway. Starting to get the hang of it, but still got a lot to learn.


Any feedback is much appreciated.





Edited by Stig Indrebø
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Very nice... Here are my notes. For the amount of work you have done, your reel should be more like 1:40 instead of 2:40. I personally dont like seeing too many repeated shows. So the blue stage back round was repeated too many times, the bald guy too many times, the big guy running in the snow, etc. It actually works against you because it makes the person watching the reel think you have only worked on a few projects so you only had footage from those things to work with.

The shot of the little girl from the back was short and didn't have a perfect horizon (id loose it) and the push up the mountain wrap around the older girl had a bit of float (no reason to show less than perfect shots, especially as you have so many good shots to work with)...

I'd take that reel and peel about a minute of the least technically correct shots and the obvious repeats.

All and all, nice work.

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Thank you for your notes. I agree the reel should be shorter. I guess I had too many darlings i didn¨t wanna kill. Yes, some shows are too repetitive, I'll probably toss out a lot of shots in the next version. I wanted to show a variety of movements (like running, circling etc), therefore some shows are more included than others. I agree the bald guy for instance is too much exposed. I tried to tell his little "story" throughout the reel; Him coming out of his car -> walking towards something->camera turns 180 and we see he´s walking towards a crashed car. I´ll probably cut most of this out.


Appreciate your feedback!






Edited by Stig Indrebo
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