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F65 3D?


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I have never done (or wanted to do) a 3D show. I was called today from a DP I work with who might have a 3D show coming up that is considering using F65’s. Other than the obvious issues with wear and tear on my body, has anyone done this and is it possible? Would a PRO arm hold that much weight? Has anyone used an XCS sled to do 3D? Were there any additional modifications that needed to be done to the sled? Is low-mode possible? Is there anything else I need to consider or have failed to mention? Thanks in advance for any possible advice.



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Hi Brooks,


Yes it has been done before on a IMAX 3D movie called Jerusalem 3D. Operator Scott Hoffman was the op. The same filmmaking team went right after to shoot another IMAX 3D movie called Panama 3D. Dp Reed Smoot ASC.


Rig was a CC3D which they used is not the lightest either.


I have a picture somewhere...I know I posted it on my twitter/instagram at some point.


In any case....Yes...it was massively heavy.....not the best camera choice by any means. They were shooting for IMAX so the 65 was a must.


That said, unless you have a VERY good reason to shoot on f65 obiviously push for a different camera. 3D steadicam is already so challenging and choosing the wrong camera is not only heavy on you but limiting for the filmakers.


That is how I would sell it......explain to them that YES, it is possible. But just because you can do it, Doesn't mean you should.


That they will get alot "less" out of you both in endurance and in shot quality if they force the f65. There are so MANY great options.


For example as Brad pointed out the F55 4k recorder....lighter.


Lighter yet would be the screen plane stead-flex rig with Red Dragons. In that situation with Ultra primes lenses teh whole rig is 33.5lbs ready to shoot!!! The complete weight of my sled ends up in the 53lbs range!!! that is 2 blue/2black territory.


With that setup you can go up stairs, run and do many takes.








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Low mode is possible if your hard mouted......it becomes very difficult vest mounted as the rig is wide and your legs may hit the camera.....that mean you push it farther away and with that much weight.......well.....you get the picture.



Also what rig do they want to use? Must be the CC3D (available at Radiant Images) as I have never heard of another rig taking the F65.

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Thanks to all who took the time to write both here and privately. The job is not a done deal (in general or for me specifically) and is a long way off. My questions are a result of my DP friend’s questions to me regarding the feasibility of using the F65. If the project happens, the F65 is the camera he would likely choose, and wanted to see if steadicam would work with it. I gave him my gut instinct about the F65/steadicam combo (which wasn’t favorable), so hearing from others was very valuable. Please feel free to add something if it comes to mind, and thanks again to all who took the time to contribute.


Brooks Robinson

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Honestly, flying two F65 cameras is not worth it. That has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Ive flown plenty of 3D rigs and when someone asks you to fly two f65 cameras I'd say no. Its not worth the wear and tear on your body. Converting to 3D has become so good now I don't see why people are still flying 3d rigs. Just my two cents.

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Pedro - that behind the scenes was great - I have done 5 IMAX movies with Reed Smoot. I have worked with that same crew - Dennis Peterson, Scott was the 1st AC on all of them and Keith was also the director. Nostalgia. A great bunch of guys. Scott had really short hair back then.

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