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converting sled M2 to B mount 24 volt

Ariel Salati

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I'd like to try to use a b mount to gold mount adapter and use directly the b mount 24 batteries to power a 24 volt camera like the alexa 35


is it safe?

would i Burn out the M2 tiffen eletronics by powering it with a 24 volt battery?




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Couple of things here, and proceed with caution for anyone reading...

With B-Mount batteries, specifically from Bebop's current lineup, they operate at either 14.4v nominal (referred by us usually as '12v mode') or 28.8v (referred as '24v mode'). They call these 'Dual Voltage' batteries. 

Not all B-mount batteries from different manufacturers may behave the same way, and some only operate in 24v mode. 

With the Bebop adaptor plate you linked to above, the PLATE determines which mode the battery will supply voltage. So in that example link above, that plate 'tells' the battery to supply 12v mode, so in this instance, the B-Mount battery will behave like any other 14.4v gold mount battery as usual. 

Also, Bebop do not currently make a 24v Plate to standard AB Gold Mount for good reason. 
Side note, Anton Bauer do make a 24v plate called 'Gold Mount PLUS' for their line of 24v Gold Mount Batteries, however you cannot physically mount one of their 24v gold mount batteries on a standard (non-plus) 12v gold mount plate for obvious safety reasons. 

If it's a case of owning or having access to B mount batteries and wanting to power 24v cameras like the A35 from your rig, then by all means a 12v adaptor plate and 'dual voltage' B-Mount batteries should be fine, however to achieve the 24v required for those cameras, with the M2 and all current rigs (with the exception of 3 I know of), you would still have to have 2 or more batteries on the sled in the correct positions to achieve 24v (+'24v mode' selected on your sled - which outputs 24v and 12v simultaniously). 


If your goal is to power the entire sled using a single 24v battery, or multiple 24v batteries, then you will run into problems and I don't believe right now it's worth the effort. 

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