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Dan Coplan

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Ingredients: 2 parts No Budget For A Quick Release Plate, 4 parts Not Enough Time To Make Our Days, sprinkle with a Docking Bracket and a pinch of Just Do It...




That's been my modus operandi for the first two days of this feature I'm on.


Dan "The Ladies Call Me...Steadipod" Coplan



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I feel for you... just try to see the funny side; I always do


I'm trying to see the funny side but the view is very hazy. First shot of the day today was a simple boom down on dolly and track across. Except we were on a long lens and had ZERO time to get focus marks, block, rehearse camera action, OR rehearse dolly move. So I'm looking like the A-hole when the takes look like crap. Though they improve significantly by take 3 - go figure.



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