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Terrorstorm By Alex Jones

Matt Burton

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This video is 1 hr. 52 secs. Considering its length and that I'd (we'd) have to watch it on a computer screen at low resolution can you detail what it's about so I (we) can decide if it's worth the time? Don't mean to be rude by that comment, it's just that time is a precious commodity.





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The long-awaited arrival of Alex Jones' latest trend-setting documentary has arrived! TerrorStorm delivers a powerful sucker punch to the architects of global terrorism and how they stage false-flag events to achieve political and sociological ends.


Alex journeys from the depths of history from the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Liberty and Gladio through to the Madrid and 7/7 London bombings and robustly catalogues the real story behind the government induced fable.


This film contains viable solutions on how we can reclaim human dignity and freedom and prevent the global population from becoming the slaves of a prison planet



I was a Total sceptic before I watched this film however most conspiracy theories are based on conjecture.

Terrorstorm is based on fact and declassified documents that you just can't argue with !

Watch the first 20 mins and i'm sure you will watch the rest.

Otherwise you can download the movie via bittorrent, I can also send you it on DVD if you like !

I really want people to watch this, however the goverment certainly doesn't !

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If you like that film, here's another one that raises some interesting questions...


Click Here


Have you watched terrorstorm Afton ?


I'm currently researching for a short film about Jean Charles de Menezes who executed by special police on the london underground, belived to be a terrorist but he was really an electrician. The Facts and miss information are shocking, and certainly not grounds for ridicule.

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Have you watched terrorstorm Afton ?


I'm currently researching for a short film about Jean Charles de Menezes who executed by special police on the london underground, belived to be a terrorist but he was really an electrician. The Facts and miss information are shocking, and certainly not grounds for ridicule.


Yes I did, in fact. I also watched that other ridiculous doc that came out last year about the supposed 9/11 conspiracies. I didn't watch either because I thought I'd enjoy them. I watched because I feel it is only fair to hear what they have to say. If I am to agree or disagree, at least I am making my own opinions, not echoing someone else's.


The last thing I want to do here on my favorite forum is begin a political debate or a cross-the-pond spat. I think we already have one of those going on in the "Sleds" category. My original response summed up what would otherwise be hours of point-by-point debating. With something like Terrorstorm as well as the other deliberately unnamed documentary, it's difficult to even know where to begin a counterpoint.


Just remember that facts can be manipulated just as easily as anything else. Sometimes more easily, since they're presented as "fact". I'm not saying that all points in the film are erroneous, but there are ways to spin anything in order to sway things in your favor.




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Fortunately, no, I do not work for the government. However I do know, and have known several people that do/did. I have discussed with them all the possibilities of various conspiracies ranging from terror attacks to UFO landings. While they cannot legally tell me everything they know, there does seem to be one consistent response from them. They laugh, and tell me the general public gives the government waaaay too much credit.


It would be impossible to discuss the doc without discussing politics. It's a political documentary. Although I often enjoy a good debate, I just don't have the energy to type one out here. If we ever meet, Matt, I'd be more than happy to buy us a 12 pack and we can debate until we pass out.


I think I gave the film a fair chance. I at least watched it. There was an interesting point here and there, but it really wasn't anything I hadn't heard before. What really made it lose its credibility for me anyway, was when you begin to see the filmmaker/narrator on his tour of the various cities with his megaphone spewing out these points he goes over in the film. He is obviously extremely biased and set in his beliefs. While that is fine in a free society, it is difficult to believe anything he is presenting (the film, for example) is purely unbiased fact.


Regarding the facts... Although any one single fact may not necessarily be manipulated, the manner in which a number of facts are presented AS A WHOLE can be done in such a way that virtually any point from any side of an argument can be seen as valid. Forget about this film. Forget about politics. This has been something people have been doing for years - Spinning. The film "Thank You For Smoking" explains much of this phenomenon pretty well. Big businesses love it.


So I'll leave it at that. I'm not a republican, and I don't completely believe in everything our government is currently doing, however, I do have respect for my fellow man. Especially those with whom wounds such as 9/11 are still quite fresh. For their sake, for the moment anyway, films like this do nothing more than pour salt.




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Hi Matt,


I watched it too, and mostly agree with Afton; except I enjoyed it more, thanks. It was no worse than Fox, perhaps, in its bias, and in the absence of knowing where for certain lie the facts, one option is to examine radical alternatives, then snuggle down somewhere in between.


But enough babble?two thoughts spring to mind: are the intelligence forces really that intelligent? or are they just like the rest of us? Global conspiricy theories rely on preternaturally efficient spooks, and if we mine history, past examples expose spooks as being mostly fallible. Intelligent 'intelligence' is the historical exception, about which we write books, and make movies (hopefully). Saying that the US government manufactured 9.11 is maybe like saying that Monsanto planned to contaminate ground water with PCBs. It's more likely just one of those things that happens when several hundred thousand people who probably can't tie a knot in their shoelaces that will last a full day get together and imagine that they have a coherent purpose. In retrospect, it will appear that one of them had.


The second thought is a second-hand one, which I hold dear: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin, a most quotable man.





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