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Shooting a wedding.

Stephen Press

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I don?t shoot weddings but when a very good friend of mine got married, she asked if I would shoot hers. I said ok and went along to the rehearsal. She was ex-tv and he is military? so the rehearsal was two hours for a half hour wedding. :rolleyes:

The location was a pig? it was a beautiful old church, no lighting allowed, no moving of historical stuff? it was a pig. The groom was tall, the priest was short, they did a reading over here, they did the vows over there, the signing way back there, the rings around the front and as I watched the rehearsal I found myself drifting around to get the shot? hmm this would look better on steadicam.

So I talked to everyone. I warned them that if I used it, it would be distracting and? well, intrusive. They didn?t mind. She was ex-tv. So I did it.

I?m very happy with the way it looks, very happy but during the rehearsal the priest had somewhat glossed over his sermon.

Given the captive audience he seemed compelled to make the most of it. The half hour stretched a bit longer? a lot longer. :blink:

Why is it the freebies always end up the most work?

Note to self ?I don?t do weddings. I especially don?t do steadicam weddings.? :lol:

Edited by Stephen Press
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I don?t shoot weddings but when a very good friend of mine got married, she asked if I would shoot hers. I said ok and went along to the rehearsal. She was ex-tv and he is military? so the rehearsal was two hours for a half hour wedding. :rolleyes:

The location was a pig? it was a beautiful old church, no lighting allowed, no moving of historical stuff? it was a pig. The groom was tall, the priest was short, they did a reading over here, they did the vows over there, the signing way back there, the rings around the front and as I watched the rehearsal I found myself drifting around to get the shot? hmm this would look better on steadicam.

So I talked to everyone. I warned them that if I used it, it would be distracting and? well, intrusive. They didn?t mind. She was ex-tv. So I did it.

I?m very happy with the way it looks, very happy but during the rehearsal the priest had somewhat glossed over his sermon.

Given the captive audience he seemed compelled to make the most of it. The half hour stretched a bit longer? a lot longer. :blink:

Why is it the freebies always end up the most work?

Note to self ?I don?t do weddings. I especially don?t do steadicam weddings.? :lol:

LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .



Coming from a guy who has shot over 100 weddings working his way through college way back in the dark ages. I can only laugh and AGREE . . . . I can't even attend them these days . . .I say I'm sorry I'm going to be out of town or I am working that weekend, where are you registered ? . . .Send the gift and tell them to save the money that they would have spent on your meal . . . .


LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .


Oh BTW: I had five cameras at my wedding including a jib and it was a muticamera live switch and to date 9 years, I still haven't edited it or watched a single second of it . . . .LOL . . .


Maybe it will be the ten year anniversary present . . . .anyone want to edit it?


Steadicam at a wedding . . . .crazy I say Crazy . . . . LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .LOL . . . . .HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . .

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I had a friend shoot mine. He is a guy I rate a one of the best cameramen on the planet?

So why is most of the reception shot on a Dutch tilt with a beer glass held in front of the lens?

Coming up to 20 years ago? I must get around to editing it soon.

Where am I going to get a High-band tape player?

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I had a friend shoot mine. He is a guy I rate a one of the best cameramen on the planet?

So why is most of the reception shot on a Dutch tilt with a beer glass held in front of the lens?

Coming up to 20 years ago? I must get around to editing it soon.

Where am I going to get a High-band tape player?



Oh Crap,

I just realized you were from New Zealand . . . .I was there shooting last week or maybe it was a week and a half ago, it all blurs together, , But Dam nice country down there,

Sorry I didn't look you up, would have been nice to grab a drink . . .


All the best


and transfer over the wedding tapes and get to editing for the 20 year anniversary . . .LOL . . .

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I did one a couple of years ago... (not mine... I think we made 10 photos and that was it.)


I wasn't aware for the longest time that it was actually a wedding. It was shot on 35mm, they paid my rate and flew me to Hawaii...


Two Arricam LT's for handheld and Steadicam, one Arri 35-3 with Tyler mount for the Vulcano Helicopter shot, a 8mm camera and two P2 cameras... DP, AC's, 6 operators...


I led the bride down the aisle in there back yard on the beach...


Surprise Music guest: Steve Wonder and Band...



I don't know, to crazy for my taste.




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I've done a couple for friends and family. Trapped usually: "Hey, since you're coming anyway...." :blink:



Once I did one for money. A studio executive got married up in Napa and they wanted it shot with a real camera. The priest made a point of saying in his sermon that a marriage isn't a movie while looking right at me.


The drive up and back was nice. And the check came. But no more weddings for me. blah. Stupid waste of time.

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